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Final rehearsal for Shenzhou XVII flight completed, CCTV reports

2024-12-24 The taste of a more fulfilled life Beijing authors share Chinese literature during Cambridge tour Offshore wind seen catching up to onshore A vision that is out of this world Survey: Americans would rather quit than fully return to the office US stance on Israeli-Palestinian conflict under fire Tech advantages continue to propel green targets 2023 China Anping International Wire Mesh Fair officially opens AI voice scams in the US raise concern Country's sea-based platforms lead world BRI also means soft connectivity, greater people-to-people contact China's largest NEV-grid integration network demo zone now in operation in Jiangsu Argentine ruling coalition defies expectations Final rehearsal for Shenzhou XVII flight completed, CCTV reports Washington's 'chip war' doomed to failure Humanity's quest must continue through creativity Forum discusses challenges, opportunities of aging China Beijing authors share Chinese literature with German readers Conference focuses on Sinology